Thursday, February 25, 2010

Easy way to touch up textured celing with drywall mud,paint brush well not work?

Take the mud and put it in a plastic bowl, then thin it out with a little bit of water-to about the consistency of brownie mix. Dab the mixture on the surface with a kitchen sponge- works great!Easy way to touch up textured celing with drywall mud,paint brush well not work?
What type of texture is it? Popcorn, crows foot, regular stomp or what? If it is popcorn and you try to brush or roll this it will fall off in sheets if you roll back and forth too much...They make texture in a can that can be knockdown popcorn are some examples..they also make aeresol touch up for ceilings etc鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

And here is a little hand pump texture touch up has a little bottle on it that is refillable..then you can mix your own textures from the bag鈥?/a>Easy way to touch up textured celing with drywall mud,paint brush well not work?
After thousands of gallons of MUD and paint, I note PC gives you some valuable suggestions.

A few more details might be helpful to us. IE: Type of texture; Define Touch Up (the texture or the paint).

Certainly there are aerosol Popcorn touchups available. Knockdown might be a bit more challenging for a DIY. Pebble textures, or textures such as those in drop celing tiles would take some effort as well.

Knowing the type of texture would help us answer more clearly; rather than assuming.

Steven Wolf

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